Friday, January 25, 2019


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! My name is Karly and I am a senior at Virginia Tech studying business management and spanish! I’ve elected to take this course because I heard it was super fun and I’m also hoping it’ll teach me some cool things about wine! I definitely think I was inspired after working a summer internship with a company that was crazy about wine. They were even members of a wine club so once a month, we’d all get to pick a bottle to take home and try! While this was super fun, I was incredibly intimidated from being surrounded by so many wine people with such strong opinions. I’m hoping I’ll come out of this class with the knowledge and palate to be able to hold my own against future corporate wine lovers!

My wine experience is definitely what I would consider “limited”. As a college student, I can proudly say that my knowledge of wine does not stretch far past the wine aisle in a grocery store or the local 711. Aside from that, I’ve only had small tastings of what I would consider actual or fancier wines at family dinners or special events. Of course there has been a few occasions where I’ve gone to wineries with friends but that usually just winds up being a total guess as to what to get and which snacks will pair best.

Usually if it has a pretty bottle, a fun name, or a not-so-expensive price tag, I’m sold. I definitely prefer white over red but I can also humbly admit that I haven't had many red wines. I usually prefer the sweeter wines but I do not like wine that's super sweet tasting or artificial tasting. I’m fond of the moscatos and pinot grigios but I’m pretty much lost after that. I cannot tell you the difference between a cabernet and a merlot or a chardonnay and a reisling. If its red its red and if its white its white, that’s about as far as my current knowledge extends.

Here’s hoping this semester is full of yummy wines, fun experiences, and some super cool knowledge that’ll make it seem like I actually know what I’m doing- Cheers!

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